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The Inbound Content Nurture Email Swipe File

Cognism is on a mission…

To highlight best-in-class B2B email marketing that isn't boring and actually yielded some great results.  

So, we've built a swipe file to show what’s possible when marketers get creative and experiment with their emails. 

These are not your average automated nurture emails. These are emails pulled from one of our top performing email nurtures, proven over hundreds of sends 🚀

The two types of email we send at Cognism 

We categorise our emails into different buckets depending on what we're using them for. One-off 'promo' emails and automated nurture emails 👇 

What are one-off 'promo' emails?

One off sends to a defined list of our target audience. Based on either firmographics or previous actions. Usually only used for one off launches and to notify our audience of upcoming webinars/online events.

How do we measure success?

Varies by the goal of the email. We will always measure both open and CTR. But also sign ups for webinar emails and other conversion based metrics based on campaign.

What are automated nurture emails? 

Triggered when a user performs a specific behavior, these automated emails get a notification, which drives them to send an email based on that specific behavior.

How do we measure success? 

Varies by the goal of the email. We will always measure both open and CTR. But also sign ups for webinar emails and other conversion based metrics based on campaign.

It is important to think about that first 5 second hook to get your audience to stop and engage.

The Marketing Inbound Content Nurture

Email 1 - Intro

Subject line: Hiya, from Cognism

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What was this email for?

To engage our audience with our content in our automated email nurture sequence and introduce Cognism as an authority within the marketing persona.

What were the results?

  • 61% open rate
  • 30% CTR

Why did it work?

  • Fun and playful tone of voice throughout the email
  • Introduces Cognism in an unexpected way 
  • Used meme images to break up the serious tone 
  • Offers clear resource that appeals to target audience 


Email 2 - Paid ads swipe file

Subject line: We're back?

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What was this email for?

The second email in our automated nurture sequence that focuses on offering our content to the audience. 

What were the results?

  • 59% open rate
  • 30.7% CTR

Why did it work?

  • We knew our swipe file topic resonates strongly with the persona - so our content offer was very clear & valuable 
  • Opening lines is ambiguous to create interest 
  • Friendly approach and gift offer is appealing to this audience, as well as keeps the email content simple. 


Email 3 - Podcast

Subject line: Best friends share everything

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What was this email for?

To share our podcast with our audience. 

What were the results?

  • 56% open rate
  • 49.35% CTR 

Why did it work?

  • Friendly subject line reaches out to reader directly (Best friends) to entice open
  • Cute 'meme' style graphic increases curiosity and desire to see full email
  • Unique copy style reiterates the relationship aspect we'd like to have with our audience, as well as resources we think they'd like in a humorous and entertaining way. 


Email 4 - Live streams

Subject line: Boring

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What was this email for?

Share our new marketing event series with our automation audience. 

What were the results?

  • 56% open rate
  • 49% CTR 

Why did it work?

  • Bold subject line grabs reader's attention directly (Boring) to entice open
  • Heading image uses pop culture meme to appeal to audience
  • Uses face of one the guest speakers in CTA image to make the email feel more personal.


Email 5 - Follow up 

Subject line: The honeymoon phase

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What was this email for?

Follow up with our automation audience and introduce some of the features of our product. 

What were the results?

  • 64.8% open rate
  • 25.9% CTR 

Why did it work?

  • Uses memes to keep the email relevant
  • Emphasises the 'friend/relationship' theme that is prevalent throughout the entire series 
  • Offers more information about the company without pitching too hard 
  • Email nurture is built on a concept 'jealous ex' this gives the email personality and makes it memorable


Email 6 - LinkedIn

Subject line: Please, no more LinkedIn requests

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What was this email for?

Promote our company LinkedIn page in a very unique way. 

What were the results?

  • 64.5% open rate
  • 57% CTR 

Why did it work?

  • Attention-grabbing headline relating to the content 
  • Subverts expectations. Uses humorous image and copy to engage reader and combat objections commonly faced when considering LinkedIn connections
  • Lays out clearly what to expect - no fluff, trends and a humorous offer of a car *not actually permitted by our CMO...
  • Calls out bogus LinkedIn requests in a funny way, begging the reader to think differently about it 


Email 7 - ROI forecast 

Subject line: You could be this happy

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What was this email for?

Promote Cognism's ROI calculator to our automation audience 

What were the results?

  • 59.8% open rate
  • 50% CTR 

Why did it work?

  • Relatable subject line that's unusual and inbox entices open
  • Meme is very recognisable 
  • Subverts expectations. Uses humorous image and copy to engage reader and combat objections of another boring email nurture. Calls out stock photo usage and remains relatable. 
  • Email nurture is built on a concept 'needy friend' this gives the email personality and makes it memorable


Email 8 - End of nurture

Subject line:  Sad times

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What was this email for?

Round off the nurture and give the audience a chance to reach out in future 

What were the results?

  • 63.5% open rate
  • 55.2% CTR 

Why did it work?

  • Keeps up the 'needy ex' theme from the entire nurture series
  • Offers a simple point of contact in case the audience wants to reach out

More marketing resources

B2B marketing
The Ultimate eBook on Producing eBooks
B2B marketing
The Demand Gen Playbook Course
B2B marketing
The diary of a first-time CMO

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