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Locked into a contract with ZoomInfo but want to make the switch?

Swap ZoomInfo with Cognism and we’ll support you with the remainder of your contract.

Frustrated with the lack of customer service and European data ZoomInfo offers?

If you let our team know more about the terms of your current contract with ZoomInfo they'd love to help 👉

We'll make the switch easy by buying you out your contract 👇

3000+ sales teams have already switched from ZoomInfo to Cognism. Will you be next?

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The only go-to-market solution that helps you scale and expand in Europe.

We're the European expert when it comes to Data Enrichment and net new Contact Acquisition.

With over 200 million European contacts, you'll have the data you need to scale, expand and win more deals in Europe. 

As a UK headquartered company, Cognism also meets the highest GDPR compliance and information privacy standards. 

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Comply advantage testimonial

Mobile phone numbers your sales reps will actually want to call.

Dialling wrong numbers is a productivity drain and bad for team morale.

We're the only data provider that verifies the accuracy of the mobile numbers in our database. To ensure that every time you call a prospect, the right person picks up.

Saving you endless hours of unproductive calls and the awkward silence when you realise you’ve dialled the wrong number 🥴

Customer service you won't get with other providers.

We often talk about our European data coverage and accuracy.

But a big reason why sales teams switch and STAY with Cognism is because customer service is at the heart of our offering.

Receive onboarding assistance. Customer webinars. 24-7 live chat support. Everything you need to succeed with Cognism. 

Customer service testimonial.

Ready to dominate the European market?

With Cognism you'll be up to level up your data coverage and accuracy across Europe. Want to see how?

We did a split test between a well-established US competitor and Cognism for data quality in Europe. Side-by-side, we saw a really big difference between the two providers. Cognism had a 60% improvement in conversion rates
Lead Forensics
Paul Thomas, CEO
increase in conversion rates