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B2B Paid Ads Swipe File

Cognism is on a mission…

To highlight best-in-class B2B ads that aren't boring and actually got us some great results.  

So, we've built a swipe file to show what’s possible when marketers get creative and experiment with their messaging. 

These are not average B2B ads. These are our top performing paid ads 🚀

How we categorise our ads at Cognism 

We categorise our ads into different buckets depending on use case, campaign objectives and content involved. Read more about each type below 👇 

What are content ads?

Actionable content around pain points / solutions that your organisation directly solves for.

Explore content types that relate or have a dotted line to the product. E.g. Videos, quizzes, blogs, snippets from live streams.

How do we measure success?

We optimise our content bucket for traffic and so use website visits as the objective here. Our aim is to serve pain point led content to our audience and so our ads need to reflect this and really communicate the value.

Metrics we pay attention to
  • Scale: Spend*, Impressions, Clicks (*25% of our paid budget goes into the content bucket). 
  • Ad engagement: CTR and CPC. (We use a CTR of 1.5%+ as our benchmark). 
  • Website engagement: bounce rate / time on page / scroll depth. (We use these because the ads drive traffic to our website.

25% of our paid budget goes into the content bucket.

What are thought leadership ads? 

They're a sub-category of content that is more about getting the strategic narrative out into the market and consumed. Higher ideas relating to your key personas.

The reason you would create this type of content is to position your company as a thought-leader in the market place. This builds the perception of your brand in the mind of potential customers and can give you an advantage over competitors.

How do we measure success? 

Like the product bucket we optimise our thought leadership for reach and so use brand awareness as the objective here.

Our aim is to educate and provide value led, strategic content in feed, where our audience actually hang out. Here we focus not only on static ads but high quality video content that can be consumed in feed.

It is important to think about that first 5 second hook to get your audience to stop and engage.

Metrics we pay attention to
  • Scale - Impressions and reach
  • Distribution cost - CPM
  • Ad engagement - % Engagement rate based on likes, comments, shares and social actions.
  • Qualitative feedback is really important here too, and so we pay particular attention to comments and feedback.
  • Video ad metrics: view through rate, thumb stop ratio, completion rate.

When optimising for reach and engagement we often see that are most successful ads are getting an engagement rate of 0.80% and above,  so we use this as our benchmark for success.

10% of our paid budget goes into the thought leadership bucket.

What are social-proof ads?

Social proof ads showcase key case studies that directly solve your audiences pain points.

In other words, they show customers how your solution has helped other people just like them.

How do we measure success?

We optimise our social proof bucket to showcase these testimonials to as much our ICP as possible. As such, we use a reach objective in these campaigns (also called 'Brand Awareness' on LinkedIn).

Metrics we pay attention to
  • Scale - Spend, Impressions, Users reached
  • Ad engagement - CTR, Engagement rate
    Engagement rate based on likes, comments, shares and social actions.
  • Quality: We pay attention to which testimonials resonate best - especially video, examining completion rate and watch times.

10% of our paid budget goes into the social proof bucket.

What are product ads?

Product ads are meant to tell the audience who you are, and what your product/service offering does and/or what problem your product will solve for your target customer.

How do we measure success?

We optimise our product bucket for reach and so use brand awareness as the objective here.

Our aim is to educate our whole ICP about our product offering. The ads we serve communicate the value of our product and engage our users in feed as we are optimising for reach not website visits.

Traditionally product ads have been used as a way to push people to a demo page but given only 5% of your audience are in market to buy at any given time it is much better to educate and create memorable experiences.

Metrics we pay attention to
  • Scale - Impressions and reach
  • Distribution cost - CPM
  • Ad engagement - % Engagement rate based on likes, comments, shares and social actions.
  • Qualitative feedback is really important here too and so we pay particular attention to comments and feedback.
  • For video ads -  view through rate, thumb stop ratio, completion rate.

When optimising for reach and engagement we often see that are most successful ads are getting an engagement rate of 0.80%+ And so we use this as our benchmark for success.

55% of our paid budget goes into the product bucket.

What are retargeting ads?

These ads are bottom-of-funnel (BOFU) content that direct people back to your product. BOFU ads can be case studies, customer reviews or even a free trial offer.

How do we measure success?

We optimise our retargeting bucket for conversions and so use website conversions as the objective here. Our aim is to capture the demand that is in market (note we largely use our paid social budget to create demand) Our ads lead to demo landing pages, tailored for our audience.

Metrics we pay attention to
  • Scale - Spend, Impressions, Clicks
  • Ad engagement - CTR and Cost per conversion
  • Pipeline - CPL, quality - how quickly these leads are converting down the funnel

Given we are driving traffic to high intent pages on our website, we run message tests to ensure that our messaging is clear and resonates with our audience. We are currently using a tool called Wynter for this.

10% of our paid budget goes into the retargeting bucket.
  • Creative refresh is very important when it comes to paid social so make sure you pay attention to ad frequency. We currently cycle in new creatives every 6-8 weeks.
  • What works for one company doesn't necessarily work for another, so it's good to create your own benchmarks when examining your paid performance over time. 
  • For certain ad categories like thought leadership, use subject matter experts to speak on topics that your audience really cares about. The best way to scale this is by recording an interview with a subject matter expert and creating snippets from this to run as ads in feed.
  • Your audience will be used to receiving lots of demo ads from lots of different companies. Try and experiment with your ads and be more human in the approach. No one wants to be tricked into a demo so be transparent about what your audience can expect.

Content Ad Examples

Ad 1 - 7 cold calling scripts sales rep need for 2023

Why this ad works:

Specific offer of high value to the persona. Blurred creative invokes curiosity and mystery. Gets the click.


Ad heading:  Unlock our highest-performing scripts 👉

Ad copy: Hey Sales. We’ve compiled a swipe file of our highest-performing cold-calling scripts. These scripts have helped us go from $10 to $40 million in ARR in under 2 years.

The swipe file includes cold calling scripts for:
- The entire C-Suite e.g. CEO, CRO, CMO…
- Enterprise Sales & B2B sales

Click below for instant access 👇👇


Ad 2 - Alice De Courcy Influencer Ad

Why this ad works:

Screenshot image makes ad look like organic post. Doesn’t look like a typical ad. Social proof in caption gives post weight and authority in eyes of the reader.


Ad heading: Read: How CMOs create revenue with #DemandGen 👉

Ad copy: In three years, CMO Alice de Courcy scaled her team's marketing revenue from $3M to $25M ARR. Here's how she did it 👇


Ad 3 - The Ultimate Heavy Dialler Cadence

Why this ad works:

Creative offers value straight away, unpacking the cadence. Gives the reader an exact idea of what to expect when they click through. Enticing offer.


Ad heading: Read: The ultimate phone-heavy sales cadence 

Ad copy: Our sales reps booked 42 meetings in just 2 months using our ultimate dialler-heavy cadence. Here’s how we did it 👇


Ad 4 - Unboring B2B marketing gallery

Why this ad works: Striking creative. Use cartoon style graphic to pop off the feed and entices reader in. Speech bubbles give the ad a natural hierarchy which articulates a clear offer - a gallery of ‘unboring’ B2B marketing. Caption supports this with clear copy pointing reader towards the resource.


Ad heading: Explore the world's first *unboring* B2B marketing gallery >>>>

Ad copy: Here’s what marketing looks like when you let go of outdated lead-gen tactics from the early 2000s… 👇👇


Ad 5 - All your cold calling questions answered

Why this ad works: Striking creative. Pops off the feed and entices reader in. Super clear offer of what to expect, clarified by the three bullets in creative.


Ad heading: B2B Cold Calling Questions - answered ✅

Ad copy: Got questions about cold calling that you can’t find the answers to? Good job we’ve answered some of them for you 👇

Ad 6 - Left a voicemail and still waiting

Why this ad works: Concisely highlights the problem/pain point. makes a clear offer “10 winning voicemail scripts”. Elicits emotional response with humour to drive action.


Ad heading: 10 voicemail scripts your reps can steal 

Ad copy: Are your reps leaving voicemails and still getting ghosted by prospects? They need to try these 10 winning voicemail scripts to increase their chances of getting a call-back.

Ad 7 - How to build your ICP

Why this ad works: Makes a clear offer “How to build your ICP”. Uses ripped image effect for partial reveal, enticing click through to web page.

4xMarketingxContentBanners-041png (4)

Ad heading: Read: 5 steps to build an ICP + template 👉 

Ad copy: One that’s actually used? Here’s the 5-step process (and template) we use at Cognism 👇


Ad 8 - Cold calls feeling a little bit too cold?

Why this ad works: Concisely highlights the problem/pain point. Makes a clear offer “17 cold call openers”. Elicits emotional response with humour to drive action.

Picture 4

Ad heading: 17 of the best B2B cold calling openers 👉

Ad copy: Imagine if you could give your reps a list of the best cold calling opening lines so they could book more meetings from their calls. Now you do 👇

Ad 9 - 25 best ads (2023 version)

Why this ad works: Makes a clear offer “Paid ads swipe file”. Uses blurred image effect for partial reveal, enticing click through to web page.

Content ads x2 our 25 best paid ads-01 (2)

Ad heading: Unlock our 25 best ads 👉

Ad copy:
UPDATED FOR 2023: Steal our 25 best ads for your team.

In our swipe file you’ll find:
😮 An ad with 6.2% CTR & 12% ER
🤯 A TOFU ad that drove $411k pipeline
😂 A video ad that leads with a blooper


Ad 10 -Spotify cold calling ad

Why this ad works: Familiarity of Spotify playlist UI draws the audience in. Use humour and parody song titles to elicit emotional response. Makes clear offer in caption copy.


Ad heading: Unlock our highest-performing scripts 👉

Ad copy: Warning ⚠️ This Spotify playlist won’t give you any cold calling inspo. But these 7 high-performing cold calling scripts will 👇

Thought Leadership Ad Examples

Ad 1 - B2B Trends in 2023 

Why this ad works:

Attention grabbing copy and also a clean visual which promises a value-led resource, that our ICP would be interested in.


Ad heading:  Marketing predictions and trends for 2023 >>>>

Ad copy: Say goodbye (and good riddance!) to servile sales support. 2023 demands *strategically savvy* marketers who can execute a fresh demand generation playbook 👇


Ad 2 - Video: B2B marketers, you are not sales support!

Why this ad works:

Strong POV in video, and video headline. Combines a strong colour palette in video creative and in the speaker jacket. Pops off the feed.

Ad heading: What does an *unboring* B2B marketer look like?

Ad copy: Marketers! Feel like you’re doing sales, not marketing?
You. Are. Not. Alone.

Somehow, B2B marketers got stuck doing sales support…
Think MQLs. Think lead gen. Think mind-numbing subservience.

But that is NOT the role of a B2B marketer.

THIS is the role of a B2B marketer👇


Ad 3 - Document: Marketers are more than sales support

Why this ad works:

Value led resource which is optimised for in-feed consumption. Very clear value prop on front page so reader knows exactly what to expect. Very strong POV in the document, which offers a new perspective on marketing's role in the B2B buying journey.  Funny caption that resonates with the audience. 

Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 14.04.35

Ad heading: Marketers! You need to be MORE than just sales support.

Ad copy: Holy lead gen forms 😲 Things are changing fast in B2B….
Here’s 5 rules for success in 2023 👇


Ad 4 - Video: 3 unboring B2B marketing tactics

Why this ad works: 

High-quality video with captions for easier reading. Also, has a very clear offer of 3 unboring B2B marketing tactics.

Uses other graphics and imagery in-video to maintain engagement.

Ad heading: Want to know what real B2B marketing looks like? 

Ad copy: Too often, B2B marketers fall into the trap of lead gen 😬
Gated content, sponsored e-blasts, list vendors…

It’s all mind-numbingly dull.

Here are some *unboring* tactics to try instead 👇


Ad 5 - Document: Hiring a team from 3-39

Why this ad works:  Value led resource which is optimised for in-feed consumption. Very clear value prop on front page so reader knows exactly what to expect, document wastes no time getting to the actual value by unpacking a framework for who to hire first and how to scale.


Ad heading: Read: How to scale a marketing team

Ad copy: Marketing leaders! Building a marketing team but struggling to decide which roles to hire first? Our CMO will show you how she grew the marketing team from 3 to 39 people👇

Social Proof Ad Examples

Ad 1 - Customer post

Why this ad works:

Screenshot image makes ad look like organic post. Doesn’t look like a typical ad. Also makes social proof in the creative more believable than a typical testimonial.


Ad heading:   Why users love our mobile phone data 👉

Ad copy: So the quality of our mobile phone data has been trending on social. Which isn’t surprising. Sales teams love our data because they book far more appointments in a shorter amount of time.

Ad 2 - Document: Case Study 

Why this ad works: 

Enticing value prop, with document optimised for in-feed consumption. leads with a benefit of importance to the persona, sales people, and quantifies further in caption. Uses social proof/customer angle to make more believable.


Ad heading: See why 1800+ revenue teams love Cognism 

Ad copy: Get more results from 30 calls than you might be getting from 150.
That’s one reason why Cognism should be part of your team's workflow. But don’t just take our word for it!


Ad 3 - Comparison

Why this ad works:

Visually striking creative that calls out the major result from the case study, making the value obvious.


Ad heading:  Why Drift switched from ZoomInfo to Cognism 👉

Ad copy: Drift switched from ZoomInfo to Cognism and now book 70% of their outbound meetings from our mobile phone numbers 😍


Ad 4 - Drift testimonial

Why this ad works:

Dark and dramatic visual doesn’t look like a typical ad. Also makes social proof in the creative more believable than a typical testimonial by including headshot of the customer.


Ad heading: See why Drift switched from ZoomInfo to Cognism 👉

Ad copy: Drift found that ZoomInfo’s platform consists mainly of office numbers. So they made the switch to Cognism and now book 70% of their meetings with our mobile numbers…


Ad 5 - Reddit testimonial

Why this ad works:

Very unusual creative showing off another platform - Reddit - on LinkedIn. Clever copy shows off value add upfront, while making comparison with competitor. 


Ad heading: Get quality B2B leads, globally 👉

Ad copy: Here’s the truth: It’s tough to split Cognism and ZoomInfo in the US. But when it comes to Europe? That’s where Cognism built our business 👇


Ad 6 - #Awkward

Why this ad works: Big bold testimonial that adds humour but also communicates a value the persona cares deeply about.

Combines high quality headshot with bold colour scheme to make a crisp, clean creative that supports the message. Heading and visual tells a story in a couple of lines.


Ad heading: Read: Why ComplyAdvantage prefer Cognism 👉

Ad copy: The BDR team at Comply Advantage love Cognism…why? Our coverage is wider and our mobile phone numbers are substantially better quality than other enrichment providers.


Ad 7 - Tharsus testimonial 

Why this ad works: 

Strong visual highlights the massive value add that the customer found while using the product. Ad copy tells a story to support this claim. 


Ad heading: How Tharsus increased their open rates by 10x 👉

Ad copy: Elaine is in a lean marketing team. She doesn’t have time to A/B test her way to email growth. So? She started emailing Cognism’s data instead…


Product Ad Examples

Ad 1 - Phone ad

Why this ad works:

Specific offer of high value to the persona. Blurred creative invokes curiosity and mystery. Gets the click.


Ad heading:  Keep hitting voicemail? Let’s fix that👉

Ad copy: Don’t you think it’s about time you invested in Cognism? We’re armed with the most mobile phone numbers (and they’re verified too). Your sales team will thank you for it.


Ad 2 - Video: Product Ad 

Why this ad works:

Blooper at the start of the video gives a comedic hook and locks viewer in for rest of the video. Sets clear expectation from start, “here’s why marketers love using Cognism in under 60 seconds”, uses imagery well to articulate all key points through video.

Ad heading: Effortless lead gen, with Cognism 👉

Ad copy: Blooper alert 🤭 But 1000s of marketers agree - Cognism turns lead gen agony into a task that takes *minutes*.


Ad 3 - Meme ad

Why this ad works:

Attractive visual ad with copy that resonates with our target prospect (in this case, our sales persona).

Successfully positions Cognism as a solution that will help sales people thrive and exceed their targets.


Ad heading: Discover when your ICP is ready to buy 👉

Ad copy: B2B sales cycles can be notoriously long – especially if your pipeline is full of leads that will never buy. Use Cognism to reach the right people and find those close to purchasing.


Ad 4 - Eblasts in the past

Why this ad works: 

This stripped back version of the creative performs very well as it focuses the readers attention with one bold statement. These ads also tend to stand out from other ads in feed that are often filled with lots of imagery.

The call to action is refreshing as it moves away from the traditional ''book a demo'' CTA and offers an un-gated view of the product.


Ad heading: 3-steps: ‘lead gen’ done in minutes 👉

Ad copy: You can A/B test all morning, buyers will still hate your e-blast 🤷
> Maybe just hand pick leads with a quick search instead?


Ad 5 - Video: Cold Calling Mojo

Why this ad works: It's a very "human" ad which targets a pain that our prospects can relate to. Then, goes into the benefits of Cognism's Diamond Data and describes how it can uniquely solve this problem. This ad also leverages social proof to prove how well the product works, via testimonials from real salespeople.

Ad heading: Get your cold calling mojo back with Diamond Data®

Ad copy: Feel like you've lost your cold calling mojo? We know how you can get it back. Have more conversations with Diamond Data® 👇


Ad 6 - Playlist

Why this ad works: 

Extremely humorous ad copy, combined with visuals that match. Visual reference plays on existing playlist on Spotify, especially a 'heart break' playlist. 

Ad copy supports this by showing off almost-song lyrics for a very recognisable song. 


Ad heading: 3 steps: Pull fresh leads for sales & campaigns 👉

Ad copy: At first I was afraid, I was petrified.. kept thinking lead gen campaigns would dominate my life 🎶

But then I spent so many nights, just knowing that was wrong. And I grew strong, AND I LEARNED HOW TO GET ALONG....

What. A. Tune. 🕺

But seriously, if you want to spend minutes on lead gen, rather than days. Try getting your leads from Cognism 👇


Ad 7 - Out of credits

Why this ad works: 

Meme format is easily recognisable. Ad is simple yet effective in relaying product information. 


Ad heading: Your reps should be focused on prospecting, not tracking credits.

Ad copy: Instead of charging a credit for every company and contact export (like you know who), Cognism users can browse our global database and export data with unrestricted access!


Ad 8 - No one warns you about sales when you go into marketing. 

Why this ad works: 

Messaging is very well-known in marketing teams, so has massive audience appeal. Humorous meme-style ad delivers the message in a fun way. 


Ad heading: Get sales off your back with quality mobile numbers 👉

Ad copy: Every. Single. Time. 😵‍💫 Want to get the sales team off your back? Give them accurate mobile numbers that connect on average every 8 dials.


Ad 9 - Life's tough when you're a B2B marketer...

Why this ad works: 

Ad visual looks like a realistic message or email that marketers would receive. Message is relevant to pain points that the audience is facing, with a clean visual. 


Ad heading: Get sales off your back with quality mobile numbers 👉

Ad copy: NOT NOW DAN 🤬 Want to get sales off your back? Give them more mobile numbers than they’ll get with any other provider 👇


Ad 10 - X/Twitter style ad 

Why this ad works: 

Visual style is referential to Twitter/X. Ad is referencing a meme that took place on the platform. 


Ad heading: Get access to the best contact data in EMEA

Ad copy: Your team don’t need to wake up at 4 am or meditate to become a top-performing sales rep. They just need to use Cognism’s B2B contact data for prospecting.



Retargeting Ad Examples

Ad 1 - Worried?

Why this ad works:

Attractive creative frames a relatable conversation the persona can relate to and articulates pain point in interesting way. Helps articulate a key point of difference which makes conversion more likely.


Ad heading:  Want a data provider, without insane restrictions?

Ad copy: Don’t suffer this insanity. With Cognism, you’ll get unrestricted access to the full database. No matter the package you choose 👇


Ad 2 - 25 free leads gift card

Why this ad works:

Striking creative pokes fun at a trends in the B2B marketing space, and then makes compelling offer which lures reader in.


Ad heading: 25 leads based on your ICP – grab them now!

Ad copy: We don’t want to offer you a £100 gift card in exchange for a meeting. So we’re giving you 25 free leads instead – no strings attached.


Ad 3 - Wordle ad

Why this ad works:

Clever creative uses a much loved game and turns it into an ad! Instantly draws attention and game creative makes you engage with core offer - free leads.


Ad heading: Claim 25 Highly Targeted B2B Leads 👉

Ad copy: Guessing your prospect's contact information shouldn’t be the same as guessing words on Wordle…


Ad 4 - GDPR Compliant

Why this ad works: Uses visuals well to humorously convey a key pain point for the persona. Caption then expands from this to articulate a key point of difference that makes conversion more likely.


Ad heading: Want GDPR *compliant* data?

Ad copy: Aligned ≠ Compliant. Cognism was born under GDPR and baked *compliance* into our foundations. Be certain with notified databases, numbers scrubbed against DNC lists and absolutely NO personal emails 👇


Ad 5 - 25 free leads

Why this ad works: Clever wordplay makes the offer a no brainer. If it’s that good why give it away? Power is in the offer so creative is left minimal and it works.


Ad heading: Get 25 free leads, no strings attached

Ad copy: We're so sure of our data that we're offering 25 B2B leads for free - no strings attached. Find out more 👇


Ad 6 - Airdrop 

Why this ad works: Clever visuals are referencing Apple product with an offer.  Especially effective for mobile devices! 


Ad heading: Claim your 25 free leads 👉

Ad copy: Hey marketer, we don’t want to force a demo on you. So here are 25 leads you can test for free - no strings attached 👇


Ad 7 - Sensitive Content

Why this ad works: Clever visuals are referencing explicit content with a value-led offer.  Especially effective for mobile devices! 


Ad heading: Claim your free data sample 👉

Ad copy: Hey there marketer, send us a list of accounts you’re *dying* to break into. We’ll give you a sample of leads for those accounts - absolutely free 👇


Ad 8 - Phone call screen  

Why this ad works: Clever visuals are referencing a phone call on an Apple device. Especially effective for mobile users. 


Ad heading: No pitch. No hard sell. Your questions answered 👉

Ad copy: Book a 20-minute chat with us:
> You’ll gain insights into your European TAM
> Identify segments you’re currently missing
> Learn how Cognism can help you reach them


Ad 9 - Gift card meme 

Why this ad works: Uses a well-known meme as a visual referencing to discuss a controversial marketing tactic (gift cards).  Visuals are clean and ad is clear.


Ad heading: Claim your free data sample - no strings attached. 

Ad copy: An Amazon gift card in exchange for a meeting won’t get you closer to your revenue targets. But a data sample containing your dream prospects in your target accounts will…


Ad 10 - Bad prospect data graph

Why this ad works: Uses a creative graph and meme style of text to highlight a massive pain point for sales reps (bad data). 


Ad heading: Free data enrichment sample 👉

Ad copy: Tired of prospecting with bad data? Send us a list of contacts that you haven’t been able to reach, and we’ll enrich your dataset with the correct contact information – for free!




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