That Super Bowl ad
B2B marketing is boring, right? You can’t do any of the fun stuff like TV ads, can you?
That's one myth Udi Ledergor, CMO at Gong banished from B2B after making a TV ad that millions watched during the Super Bowl ad break.
The idea 💡
Convention says you should advertise to B2B decision-makers while they’re thinking about work - but Udi says:
“Sometimes I want to get to buyers when they are out grocery shopping or I'll try to catch them when they are least expecting it, like when they are tuning into the big game so I'll do a Super Bowl commercial.”
“Yes, B2B buyers also watch the Super Bowl, why should that screen time be reserved for B2C?”
“Look at patterns of where your target audience is going and show up there.”
You have to admit, he has a point… B2B decision-makers are just people after all. So why wouldn’t you make adverts that excite them?
Not to mention it makes advertising much more fun for the B2B marketers too.
Just in case you haven’t heard of Gong (where have you been, under a rock?!) - Gong’s platform uncovers what’s happening in customer conversations.
In other words, they give insights and guidance to help B2B sellers win more deals by doing more of what’s working, and less of what’s not.
Now you might think an ad being shown during the Super Bowl is a super-steep investment.
But it turns out Udi was able to secure a very reasonable deal to show the ad only to the Seattle, San Francisco and New York markets.

The Vision 👀
One thing Udi is passionate about is not doing what everyone else is doing - that’s why he doesn’t like the idea of ‘best practice’.
Because that’s the norm, it’s what every other B2B company is focused on.
He says:
“Ignore what everyone else is doing and think about how you can do what no one else is doing to stand out.”
This is why he decided to take the risk on the Super Bowl ad.
Instead of taking inspiration from other B2B competitors, he turned to B2C - specifically, beer adverts and how he could apply the lessons to his B2B ad.
“Inspiration is everywhere - get away from best practice and get creative.”
“The biggest thing B2C has been doing differently to B2B for years is that they talk like human beings.”
“B2C brands have realised that to survive and attract and engage with their consumers, they need to talk to them like human beings. They can't be talking down to them.”
One thing that’s important to add here is that this advert came out during the height of COVID-19.
Teams had been forced to go remote, managing teams was a bigger struggle and no one was really sure how it was going to impact the economy long-term.

Udi wanted people to be able to relate to the ad - a busy bustling office wouldn’t have made sense.
So the ad was set in an empty office, and the opening line referenced remote work: ‘Funny thing happened this year, my team went remote.’
Udi also wanted to make it clear who he was talking to, because:
- What do most people do in an ad break? They go to the bathroom, fill up their drinks or go get some food. Udi wanted his target audience to instantly know they should stick around for this ad as it was aimed at them.
- He wanted his target audience to feel seen and understood.
- He wanted to self-qualify his audience.
So he referenced them from the first frame with the ‘Vice President of Sales’ desk nameplate.

Then the ad goes on to explain what Gong does and how it helps to solve some of the problems created by the changing work environment. Including:
- Giving management insight and control when deals go wrong.
- Offering opportunities for learning and replicating positive results.
- Ultimately helping companies to win more deals.
Udi also did something else during the ad that illustrated the impact of the platform, without taking up any extra ad time. Did you notice it?
The size of the leading man.
The ad begins with the Vice President in miniature, holding a comically large pencil in comparison to his size.
He explains that everyone was left feeling ‘a little, little’ after the pandemic sent office work into a tailspin.
But by the end of the ad, the Vice President is struggling to fit into the room because he has grown in size.
This implies that Gong has helped him and his team to regain his strength and confidence.
He also says ‘grow your revenue with Gong’, which suggests that the Vice President's physical growth also symbolises the growth in sales and revenue.
And you can’t talk about a Gong ad without referencing the star of the show - the gong.
The Vice President hits the gong when he says ‘my sales team got through it, with Gong’, tying together the sound of the gong with his success as a B2B sales leader.
Essentially, the message here is that Gong helps you to succeed (and this message is further cemented by the 2022 Super Bowl ad, The Sound of Success!).
Udi shares a little about his vision for the 2021 advert:
“I wanted whoever was watching to be entertained, but what I really wanted was for sales professionals to feel noticed, to feel special. So I had to include aspects that might only make sense to them.”
The Results 📈
Unsurprisingly, the Super Bowl ad, being one of the first of its kind, caught people’s attention. There was a fair bit of discussion about it on LinkedIn (only further spreading the advert’s reach!)
Udi and his team weren’t expecting any short-term measurable outcomes directly from the Super Bowl ad.
After all, these things are rarely fully trackable. It was really a long-term play, an awareness mission.
But Udi was pleasantly surprised! He said:
“We used Gong to track our sales calls in the five working days after the Super Bowl ad, and we had over 400 people mentioning Super Bowl in that timeframe - which was already an amazing signal.”
“But even better, at the end of that week, we found we had broken all records for most inbound opportunities created and accepted by sales at Gong in a week.”
“So we got a lot more than we had bargained for.”
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