Answer your sales questions in a personalised demo
Get your cold calling mojo back.
Wave goodbye to the gatekeepers, inaccurate phone numbers, and the dreaded voicemail.
Say hello to Diamond Data®. We confirm the accuracy of your prospects' mobile numbers - so that when you call, they pick up.
If you're looking to get your mojo back you need:
- MORE accurate mobile numbers - so you can have MORE conversations
- 87% accurate mobile phone numbers - so you can reach decision-makers faster
- The ability to validate numbers on-demand - so you can spend more time selling, and less time dialling incorrect numbers

Let's get your mojo back!
Trusted by 3000+ revenue teams


Cognism leads the way for any company looking to grow their sales and increase the number of conversations they have with decision-makers. I’d recommend Cognism to any business that wants to expand within European and APAC markets
Elliot Mitchell, CEO
increase in the number of reps hitting target
sales in 6 months
The sales managers used to make 100-150 calls per day. Now they can achieve their targets by making 30 calls per day because they are calling prospects who actually pick up the phone. That’s more results, less calls.
George McKenna, Head of Cloud Sales
saw ROI in 8 weeks
achieved target with 70% fewer calls

See it in action
Ready for your personalised live demo?
Schedule a conversation with our team to discuss your needs and see how the Cognism platform can help you achieve your goals.