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Sales Insights

Call me on the office switchboard

..said no one ever!

B2B cold calling is a lot like calling a switchboard at the office. 

You want to reach the decision-maker, but you’re calling the gatekeeper.

And, typically, the gatekeeper will resist connecting you to the person you’re trying to reach.

Stop wasting time on the person answering the phone.

You’ve got to get to the right person, right away, if you’re going to meet your quota.

Don't worry, we'll help you do this and more with our latest guide.

Call me on the office switchboard...said no one ever!_Infographic 2
Call me on the office switchboard - said no one ever E-Book preview pic

What's inside?

With this guide you'll discover

  • What a direct dial is, and how you sales teams can use direct dials
  • The benefits of mobile and direct dials
  • Pro tips for measuring connect rates vs dials
  • How to exceed your targets and take your prospecting to the next level


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